WIT (Web and Internet Technology) LAB


CSE 282 C Web and Internet Technologies LAB)


Course Objectives:

  1. To develop web pages using mark up languages like HTML, DHTML and style sheets for making it more presentable to the user.
  2. To develop dynamic web pages using client side programming and server side programming.
  3. To develop interactive web applications using ASP.NET Framework.
  4. To develop PHP programs for interactive web pages

List of practicals

  1. A Simple HTML home page provide links to move to other pages like hobbies, educational info, personal info etc.
  2. A HTML program to illustrate the use of frame and frameset tags of HTML.
  3. A HTML Program which use a HTML controls to create a student information form to collect student’s information like name, address, phone, email, sex, birth date, hobbies etc. Download
  4. A HTML Program which demonstrates loops like for loop, do while, while in java script.     
  5. A HTML Program which demonstrates the use of functions in java script.    
  6. A HTML Program which demonstrates various events like onclick, ondbclick, onfocus, onblur, onchange, onmouseover, onmouseover, window event, onload, onunload event.  
  7. A HTML Program to create various functions and sub routines to validate the data entered by user in form.
  8. Create a program to illustrate the concept of associative array in PHP.
  9. Create PHP program to implement the concept of Session management.       
  10. Create a PHP program to display student information in webpage. Student’s data is stored in My SQL database.  
  11. Create a PHP program to insert student information from HTML form. Student’s data is stored in My SQL database.

Note: More exercises based on CSE202C  may be given by the teacher

Course Outcomes: After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

  1. Develop web pages using mark up languages like HTML, DHTML and style sheets for making it more presentable to the user.
  2. Develop dynamic web pages using client side programming and server side programming.
  3. Develop interactive web applications using ASP.NET Framework.
  4. Develop PHP programs for interactive web pages.
error: You can only copy the programs code and output from this website. You are not allowed to copy anything else.