WIT (Web and Internet Technology)


CSE 202 C Web and Internet Technologies)


Course Objectives:

  1. To understand the role of HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript and protocols in the workings of web and web applications.
  2. To design a responsive web site using HTML5 and CSS.
  3. To build Dynamic web site using server side PHP Programming and Database connectivity.
  4. To understand the various technologies to build dynamic content of website.

Unit I

Introduction to the Internet, The world wide web: The idea of hypertext and hyper media; How the web works-HTTP, HTML and URLs; How the browser works-MIME types, plugins and helper applications; The standards-HTML, XML, XHTML and the W3C.

Hypertext markup language: The anatomy of an HTML document; Marking up for structure and style: basic page markup, absolute and relative links, ordered and unordered lists, embedding images and controlling appearance, table creation and use, frames, nesting and targeting.

Descriptive markup: Meta tags for common tasks, semantic tags for aiding search, the doubling code and RDF.

Click on any topic to read about the topic.

Unit II

Separating style from structure with style sheets: Internal style specifications within HTML, External linked style specification using CSS, page and site design considerations.

Client side programming: Introduction to the JavaScript syntax, the JavaScript object model, Event handling, Output in JavaScript, Forms handling, miscellaneous topics such as cookies, hidden fields, and images; Applications.

Click on any topic to read about the topic.

Unit III

Server side programming: Introduction to Server Side Technologies CGI/ASP/JSP., Programming languages for server Side Scripting, Configuring the server to support CGI, applications; Input/ output operations on the WWW, Forms processing, (using PERL/VBSCRIPT/JavaSCIPT)

Unit IV

Other dynamic content Technologies: introduction to ASP & JSP, Delivering multimedia over web pages, The VRML idea, The Java phenomenon-applets and servelets, issues and web development.

Introduction to Microsoft .NET Technology and its comparison with the competing Technologies.

Click on any topic to read about the topic.


  1. Beginning XHTML by Frank Boumpery, Cassandra Greer, Dave Raggett, Jenny Raggett, Sebastian Schnitzenbaumer& ted Wugofski, 2000, WROX press (Indian Shroff Publ. SPD) 1st edition
  2. Web Technologies By Achyut S Godbole, Atul Kahate, 2003, T.M.H
  3. Internet & World Wide Web How to program by P.J Deitel & H.M Deitel, Pearson


  1. HTML &XHTML:The Definitive Guide by Chuck Musciano, Bill Kennedy, 2000, 4th Edi.
  2. XHTML Black Book by Steven Holzner, 2000
  3. CGI Programming on the World Wide Web. O’Reilly Associates.
  4. Internet and Web Technologies – Raj Kamal, 2002, T.M.H

Course Outcomes:  After successful completion of the course students will learn the following:-

  1. Understand, analyze and apply the role of languages like HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript and protocols in the workings of web and web applications.
  2. Create a good, effective and dynamic website using HTML5 and CSS
  3. Build Dynamic web site using server side PHP Programming and Database connectivity.
  4. Understand the various technologies to build dynamic content of website.
error: You can only copy the programs code and output from this website. You are not allowed to copy anything else.