Course Objectives:
- To understand the basic concepts of AI and problem solving
- To analyze and formalize the problem as a state space, graph, design heuristics and select amongst different search techniques to solve them
- To represent knowledge and draw inferences
- To explore learning techniques and existing expert systems
Unit I
Introduction: The AI problems; what is an AI technique; Characteristics of AI applications Problem Solving, Search and Control Strategies General Problem solving; Production systems; Control strategies: forward and backward chaining Exhaustive searches: Depth first Breadth first search.
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Unit II
Heuristic Search Techniques: Hill climbing; Branch and Bound technique; Best first search and A* algorithm; AND/OR Graphs; Problem reduction and AO* algorithm; Constraint Satisfaction problems Game Playing Minmax search procedure; Alpha-Beta cutoffs; Additional Refinements
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Unit III
Knowledge Representation & Reasoning:- Propositional logic, First order predicate logic, Inferencein FOPL, Skolemnisation; Resolution Principle and Unification; Forward & Backward chaining, Inference Mechanisms Horn’s Clauses; Semantic Networks; Frame Systems and Value Inheritance; Conceptual Dependency
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Unit IV
Learning Techniques: – Supervised and unsupervised learning, Decision trees, Statistical learning models, Reinforcement learning.
Expert Systems: Introduction to Expert Systems, Architecture of Expert Systems; Expert System Shells; Knowledge Acquisition; Case Studies: MYCIN, Learning, Rote Learning; Learning by Induction; Explanation based learning.
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- Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight: Artificial Intelligence- Tata McGraw Hill.
- Dan W.Patterson, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems- Prentice Hall of India.
- Nils J.Nilsson: Principles of Artificial Intelligence- Narosa Publishing house.
- Artificial Intelligence : A Modern Approach, Stuart Rusell, Peter Norvig, Pearson Education
- Artificial Intelligence, Winston, Patrick, Henry, Pearson Education
Course Outcomes: After successful completion of the course students will learn the following:-
- Analyze and formalize problem and solve them using AI techniques
- Use Heuristic search techniques for game playing and other problems
- Represent diverse knowledge using AI and analyze
- Understand and design an expert system