Course Objectives:
- To learn the concept of modern computers along-with performance analysis measures.
- To understand the architectures of various processor types of processors.
- To explore the paradigms of memory organization.
- To understand the concepts of parallelization techniques for processing of instructions.
Unit I
Introduction: Elements of modern computers (computing problems, algorithms, hardware, OS, system software); Evolution of computer architecture; Factors affecting system performance; architectural development tracks (Multiple-processor tracks, Multivector & SIMD tracks, Multithread & Dataflow tracks) Conditions of parallelism (Data dependence, Resource dependence, control dependence, Bernstein’s Conditions); Hardware & Software parallelism; Program partitioning & Scheduling; Program flow machines (Control flow, Data flow, Demand driven); Parallel processor applications; Speedup performance laws (Amdahl’s law, Gustafson’s law); Scalability (Goals, Metrics, evolution of scalable architectures, open issues)
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Unit II
Advanced processor Technology: Design space; Instruction pipelines; Instruction set architecture (RISC, CISC, RISC scalar processors, CISC scalar processors); Superscalar Processors, VLIW architecture; Vector & Symbolic processors; Pipelining: Linear pipeline processors, Nonlinear pipeline processors, Instruction pipeline(pipelined instruction processing, mechanisms for instruction pipelining, dynamic instruction scheduling, branch handling techniques) Parallel & Scalable Architectures: Hierarchical bus system, Crossbar switch & multiport memory, multistage & combining networks; Cache coherence & synchronization mechanisms (cache coherence problem, Snoopy bus protocols, directory based protocols.
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Unit III
Advanced Memory Technology: Bus system (Backplane bus specification, addressing & timing protocols, Arbitration, Transaction and Interrupt, IEEE futurebus) Cache organizations (Cache addressing models, cache performance issues); Shared memory organizations (Interleaved memory organization, Bandwidth and fault tolerance, memory allocation schemes, Sequential & weak consistency models. Latency hiding techniques.
Unit IV
Parallel Models and Languages: Parallel Programming Models (Shared-Variable, Message passing, Data-Parallel, Object-Oriented); Parallel languages & Compilers (language features for parallelism, parallel language constructs, optimizing compilers for parallelism); Code optimization & partitioning (Scalar optimization, Local & Global optimization, Vectorization, code generation & scheduling, Trace scheduling compilation); Parallel programming environments (S/W Tools, Y-MP, Paragon, CM-5 Environments , Visualization & Performance tuning)
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- Advance Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability; 2nd Edition by Kai Hwang & Naresh Jotwani, 2012, TMH.
- Pipelined and Parallel processor design by Michael J. Fiynn – 1995, Narosa.
Course Outcomes: After successful completion of the course students will learn the following:-
- Have an understanding of concept of modern computers along-with performance analysis measures.
- Have an ability to identify the architectures of various processor types of processors.
- Understand the paradigms of memory organization.
- Understand the concepts of simultaneous processing of instructions.