Comments in Python

Comments: These are the statements that are ignored by the python interpreter and not executed at all.

Why Comments are used:
1) To explain the program
2) To make the program more understandable
3) To prevent the statements from execution for testing purpose.

Types of Comments in Python:
1) Single Line Comment
2) Multi LIne Comment

Single Line Comment: The statements written after # symbol are treated as single line comments in python. These statements are ignored and not executed by python. We can write single line comment in interactive mode as well as script mode as:

>>>#this is an example of single line comment
>>>print("Gargs Academy")
Gargs Academy

To explain the part of the python code, We can also write single line comments as:

>>> print("Gargs Academy")#this is also an example of single line comment 
Gargs Academy

Multiline Comments: The comments spanning across multiple lines are called as multiline comments. Multiline comments are enclosed in triple quotes ”’ and ”’ or “”” and “””. You can write multiline comments in the python program in any one of the following two ways (using single ”’ and ”’ or double “”” and “”” triple quotes) as

"""This is an example of multiline comments
explained by
gargs academy

print("Free Online Coaching")
print("Relevant Material")

After ignoring the comments, output will be:

Free Online Coaching
Relevant Material

If you write multiline comments in python shell, it will be treated as multiline string as.

>>> """This is an example of multiline comments
explained by
gargs academy
'This is an example of multiline comments\nexplained by\ngargs academy\nsonipat\n9467863365'

>>> '''This is an example of multiline comments
explained by
gargs academy
'This is an example of multiline comments\nexplained by\ngargs academy\nsonipat\n9467863365'

If we write multiline comments as part of a line, then python will report an error as:

>>> a=5 """This is an example of multiline comments
explained by
gargs academy
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

>>> a=5 '''This is an example of multiline comments
explained by
gargs academy
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
error: You can only copy the programs code and output from this website. You are not allowed to copy anything else.