HSSC PGT Computer Science Solution of Question Paper March 2016

Ans 46:(C) Odd no of roots

Solution: f(a)f(b)<0 means

either f(a)>0 and f(b)<0

or f(a)<0 and f(b)>0

means f(a)/f(b) or f(b)/f(a) changes sign from +ve to -ve .

In between at some point f(x)=0 and that point will give you the solution.

It may happen that f(x) cuts x-axis at 1,3,5 and so on points.

So there are odd number of roots.

Ans 47:(A) FSM

Ans 48:(B) 4

Solution: Cardinality of set=16

Number of elements in each equivalence class=4

total number of equivalence classes: 16/4=4

Ans 49: (D) Recursive function

Ans 50: (B) Ready State

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