#include<stdio.h> int main() { printf("*******************************************"); printf("\n*******************************************"); printf("\n**WAP to calculate discount based on bill**"); printf("\n** using if else if laddar **"); printf("\n** Created by Sheetal Garg **"); printf("\n** Assistant Professor **"); printf("\n** Phone No:9467863365 **"); printf("\n*******************************************"); printf("\n*******************************************\n"); float price, quan, dis, bill, netpay; printf("enter quantity and price"); scanf("%f%f",&quan, &price); bill = quan*price; if(bill<500) dis=0; else if (bill>=500 && bill<1000) dis= bill*0.05; else if(bill>=1000 && bill<2000) dis= bill*0.10; else dis=bill*0.20; netpay= bill-dis; printf("you have to pay %f",netpay); return 0; }
Output 1 (No Discount)
******************************************* ******************************************* **WAP to calculate discount based on bill** ** using if else if laddar ** ** Created by Sheetal Garg ** ** Assistant Professor ** ** Phone No:9467863365 ** ******************************************* ******************************************* enter quantity and price 100 2 you have to pay 200.000000
Output 2(5% Discount)
******************************************* ******************************************* **WAP to calculate discount based on bill** ** using if else if laddar ** ** Created by Sheetal Garg ** ** Assistant Professor ** ** Phone No:9467863365 ** ******************************************* ******************************************* enter quantity and price 100 5 you have to pay 475.000000
Output 3 (10% Discount)
******************************************* ******************************************* **WAP to calculate discount based on bill** ** using if else if laddar ** ** Created by Sheetal Garg ** ** Assistant Professor ** ** Phone No:9467863365 ** ******************************************* ******************************************* enter quantity and price 100 10 you have to pay 900.000000
Output 4(20% Discount)
******************************************* ******************************************* **WAP to calculate discount based on bill** ** using if else if laddar ** ** Created by Sheetal Garg ** ** Assistant Professor ** ** Phone No:9467863365 ** ******************************************* ******************************************* enter quantity and price 100 20 you have to pay 1600.000000