Program to implement a Linked List in Memory


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct student
    int rollno;
    char name[20];
    float fee;
    struct student *next;
struct student *start = NULL;
void insertnode()
    struct student *newstudent = (struct student *)malloc(sizeof(struct student));
    if (newstudent == NULL)
        printf("Overflow: Memory Full. You cant insert more items\n");
        printf("\nenter student roll no: ");
        scanf("%d", &newstudent->rollno);
        printf("enter name: ");
        printf("enter fee : ");
        scanf("%f", &newstudent->fee);
        newstudent->next = NULL;
        if (start == NULL)
            start = newstudent;
            struct student *ptr = start;
            while (ptr->next != NULL)
                ptr = ptr->next;
            ptr->next = newstudent;
void deletenode()
    if (start == NULL)
        printf("underflow!!!. Linked List is empty. No item to delete");
        struct student *ptr = start;
        printf("Deleted item is :\n");
        printf("\n%d\t%s\t%f\n", start->rollno, start->name, start->fee);
        start = start->next;
void display()
    if (start == NULL)
        printf("Linked List is empty. No item to display");
        struct student *ptr = start;
        printf("\nInformation of Linked List is : \n");
        while (ptr != NULL)
            printf("\n%d\t%s\t%f\n", ptr->rollno, ptr->name, ptr->fee);
            ptr = ptr->next;
void main()
    int ch;
    printf("**   Implementation of Linked Lists   **\n");
    printf("**   Program Created By Sheetal Garg  **\n");
    printf("**         Assistant professor        **\n");
    printf("**               9467863365           **\n");
    while (1)
        printf("\nOptions Available are\n");
        printf("1. Insert Node \n");
        printf("2. Delete Node \n");
        printf("3. Display Linked List\n");
        printf("4. Exit \n");
        printf("\nEnter your choice : ");
        scanf("%d", &ch);
        switch (ch)
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
            printf("Wrong choice entered");


**   Implementation of Linked Lists   **
**   Program Created By Sheetal Garg  **
**         Assistant professor        **
**               9467863365           **

Options Available are
1. Insert Node 
2. Delete Node 
3. Display Linked List
4. Exit 

Enter your choice : 1

enter student roll no: 1
enter name: Sheetal Garg
enter fee : 1000

Options Available are
1. Insert Node
2. Delete Node
3. Display Linked List
4. Exit

Enter your choice : 1

enter student roll no: 2
enter name: Amit Goyal
enter fee : 2000

Options Available are
1. Insert Node
2. Delete Node
3. Display Linked List
4. Exit

Enter your choice : 1

enter student roll no: 3
enter name: Nidhi Gupta
enter fee : 3000

Options Available are
1. Insert Node
2. Delete Node
3. Display Linked List
4. Exit

Enter your choice : 3

Information of Linked List is : 
Rollno  name    fee
1       Sheetal Garg    1000.000000

2       Amit Goyal      2000.000000

3       Nidhi Gupta     3000.000000

Options Available are
1. Insert Node
2. Delete Node
3. Display Linked List
4. Exit

Enter your choice : 2
Deleted item is :
Rollno  name    fee
1       Sheetal Garg    1000.000000

Options Available are
1. Insert Node
2. Delete Node
3. Display Linked List
4. Exit

Enter your choice : 3

Information of Linked List is : 
Rollno  name    fee
2       Amit Goyal      2000.000000

3       Nidhi Gupta     3000.000000

Options Available are
1. Insert Node
2. Delete Node
3. Display Linked List
4. Exit

Enter your choice : 2
Deleted item is :
Rollno  name    fee
2       Amit Goyal      2000.000000

Options Available are
1. Insert Node
2. Delete Node
3. Display Linked List
4. Exit

Enter your choice : 3

Information of Linked List is : 
Rollno  name    fee
3       Nidhi Gupta     3000.000000

Options Available are
1. Insert Node
2. Delete Node
3. Display Linked List
4. Exit

Enter your choice : 2
Deleted item is :
Rollno  name    fee
3       Nidhi Gupta     3000.000000

Options Available are
1. Insert Node
2. Delete Node
3. Display Linked List
4. Exit

Enter your choice : 3
Linked List is empty. No item to display
Options Available are
1. Insert Node
2. Delete Node
3. Display Linked List
4. Exit

Enter your choice : 2
underflow!!!. Linked List is empty. No item to delete
Options Available are
1. Insert Node
2. Delete Node
3. Display Linked List
4. Exit

Enter your choice : 4
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