AJ (Advance Java)


BCA301C Advanced Java


Course Objectives:

  1. To familiar with concept of advanced java application and the design and development of
  2. GUI application using Swings.
  3. To connect data structure and database with the Java Project.
  4. To develop web application by creating client and server pages using servlet.
  5. To practice the alternate of servlet i.e. Java Server Pages.

Unit I

Basics of Advanced Java: Comparison between console application, GUI application and Web Application in Java. Advanced java features. Importance of Core Java while using advanced java features. Introduction to various kind of project of Advanced Java. Installation and use of Java, Java editor Netbeans, Eclipse etc. Role of Jar files in Java.
Java GUI Programming: Difference between AWT Controls & Swing Controls, various Swing Component and Container classes, Event Driven Programming using swing. GUI Project in Netbeans and Eclipse editors.

Click on any topic to read about the topic.

Unit II

Data Structure in Java: Role of data structure in software project, Java Collection, ArrayList, LinkedList, Stack, ArrayDeque, HashSet. Java Stream Classes,
Database Connectivity: Role of Database in Java Application, JDBC basics,JDBC classes and interfaces, database connectivity and query execution,

Click on any topic to read about the topic.

Unit III

Web Application Development: Client Server Technology, Request and Response on client and Server, Installation of Server like Tomcat etc.
Client & Server Programming: Creation of html pages/client pages, HTML form, Server Programming : Servlet, Lifecycle of a Servlet. Type of servlet : Servlet, GenericServlet&HTTPServlet classes, Connectivity of HTML and HTTPServlet : Post and Get method, web.xml file. Servlet Request & Response classesin HTTPServlet,

Unit IV

Java Server Pages : JSP Architecture, JSP Life Cycle, comparison of JSP and Servlet, basic structure of JSP code file, JSP & HTML, JSP Scriptlet, JSP Implicit Object, JSP page directive, include directive.
Creation of complete application using JSP, servlet and database.

Click on any topic to read about the topic.

Text/Reference Books:

  • Dietel and Nieto: Internet and World Wide Web – How to program?, PHI/Pearson Education Asia.
  • Patrick Naughton and Herbert Schildt: The Complete Reference Java, Tata McGraw-Hill.
  • Hans Bergstan: Java Server Pages.
  • Bill Siggelkow, S P D O ‟Reilly: Jakarta Struts, Cookbook.
  • Murach: Murach’s beginning JAVA JDK 5, SPD.
  • Wang-Thomson: An Introduction to Web Design and Programming.
  • Knuckles: Web Applications Technologies Concepts- John Wiley.
  • Sebesta: Programming world wide web, Pearson.
  • Building Web Applications-NIIT,PHI.4. JAVA 2(1.3) API Documentations

Course Outcomes:  After successful completion of the course students will learn the following:-

  1. Design and Develop GUI application and event driven programming using Swings.
  2. Analyze the use of data structure in software and Design and develop database application.
  3. Develop and design web application in Java using Servlet.
  4. Develop and Design commercial web application using JSP.
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