Important Question Answers of Data Structure for Exams
List of Programs:
- WAP to enter and display an array.
- WAP to find the sum of elements of an array.
- WAP to find the average of elements of an array.
- WAP to find the product of elements of an array.
- WAP to find the minimum of array elements.
- WAP to find the maximum of array elements .
- WAP to enter and display the elements of a 2-Dimensional Array
- WAP to find the sum of elements of 2-Dimensional Array
- WAP to find the average of elements of 2-Dimensional Array
- WAP to find the product of elements of 2-Dimensional Array
- WAP to find the minimum of 2-D array elements.
- WAP to find the maximum of 2-D array elements .
- WAP to enter the elements of two matrices and add these two matrices..
- WAP to enter the elements of two matrices and subtract these two matrices..
- WAP to enter a new element in the array and display the array after adding element (insertion in the array) .
- WAP to delete a element from the array and display the array after deleting element (Deletion from the array).
- WAP to enter the elements of two matrices and multiply these two matrices.
- WAP to enter the elements of a matrix and transpose this matrix.
- WAP to find an item in the array using linear search. in 1-D Array
- Write a program to perform linear search in 2D array.
- WAP to find an item in the array using binary search.
- WAP to sort the array in ascending order using bubble sort.
- WAP to sort the array in ascending order using insertion sort.
- WAP to sort the array in ascending order using selection sort.
- WAP to sort the array in ascending order using merge sort.
- WAP to sort the array in ascending order using quick sort.
- WAP to implement a static stack using arrays.
- WAP to implement a static stack using array of structures.
- WAP to implement a dynamic/linked stack using linked lists.
- WAP to implement a static linear queue using arrays.
- WAP to implement a static circular queue using array.
- WAP to implement a static linear queue using array of structures.
- WAP to implement a static circular queue using array of structures.
- WAP to implement a dynamic/linked queue using linked list.
- Write a program to maintain a link list.
- Write a program to search an element in a link list.
- Write a program to maintain a binary tree and traverse it in Inorder, Preorder and Postorder.
- Write a program to implement Binary Search Tree (BST)
CSE 281 C (Data Structures and Algorithms Lab)
Course Objectives:
- To implement an algorithm for a problem and analyze its time and computation complexity.
- To implement the algorithm for Search problem (Linear Search and Binary Search) .
- Solve the given problem of Stack , Queue ,Linked list, Graph search and traversal implement it and analyze the same to determine the time and computation complexity.
- To implement algorithms for Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap sort and compare their performance in term of Space and time complexity.
List of Programs:
1. Write a program to perform binary search in an array.
2. Write a program to perform binary search using recursion.
3. Write a program to perform linear search in 2D array.
4. Write a program to perform various operations on matrices. (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Transpose)
5. Write a program to swap two nos. using calls by value and reference.
6. Write a program to implement bubble sort.
7. Write a program to implement insertion sort.
8. Write a program to implement selection sort.
9. Write a program of link list implementation of a stack.
10. Write a program of link list implementation of a queue.
11. Write a program of array implementation of a stack.
12. Write a program of array implementation of a queue.
13. Write a program to search an element in a link list.
14. Write a program to maintain a link list.
15. Write a program to implement BST
Course Outcomes:Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Implement the algorithm for a problem solution, determine the time and computation complexity and justify the correctness.
- Implement various searching algorithms (Linear Search and Binary Search) .
- Solve the given problem of Stack, Queue, Linked list, Graph search and traversal, implement and analyze the same to determine the time and computation complexity.
- Write and implement the algorithms for Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap sort and compare their performance in term of Space and time complexity.