DSA LAB (Data Structures and Algorithms Lab)

Important Question Answers of Data Structure for Exams

List of Programs:

  1. WAP to enter and display an array.
  2. WAP to find the sum of elements of an array.
  3. WAP to find the average of elements of an array.
  4. WAP to find the product of elements of an array.
  5. WAP to find the minimum of array elements.
  6. WAP to find the maximum of array elements .
  7. WAP to enter and display the elements of a 2-Dimensional Array
  8. WAP to find the sum of elements of 2-Dimensional Array
  9. WAP to find the average of elements of 2-Dimensional Array
  10. WAP to find the product of elements of 2-Dimensional Array
  11. WAP to find the minimum of 2-D array elements.
  12. WAP to find the maximum of 2-D array elements .
  13. WAP to enter the elements of two matrices and add these two matrices..
  14. WAP to enter the elements of two matrices and subtract these two matrices..
  15. WAP to enter a new element in the array and display the array after adding element (insertion in the array) .
  16. WAP to delete a element from the array and display the array after deleting element (Deletion from the array).
  17. WAP to enter the elements of two matrices and multiply these two matrices.
  18. WAP to enter the elements of a matrix and transpose this matrix.
  19. WAP to find an item in the array using linear search. in 1-D Array
  20. Write a program to perform linear search in 2D array.
  21. WAP to find an item in the array using binary search.
  22. WAP to sort the array in ascending order using bubble sort.
  23. WAP to sort the array in ascending order using insertion sort.
  24. WAP to sort the array in ascending order using selection sort.
  25. WAP to sort the array in ascending order using merge sort.
  26. WAP to sort the array in ascending order using quick sort.
  27. WAP to implement a static stack using arrays.
  28. WAP to implement a static stack using array of structures.
  29. WAP to implement a dynamic/linked stack using linked lists.
  30. WAP to implement a static linear queue using arrays.
  31. WAP to implement a static circular queue using array.
  32. WAP to implement a static linear queue using array of structures.
  33. WAP to implement a static circular queue using array of structures.
  34. WAP to implement a dynamic/linked queue using linked list.
  35. Write a program to maintain a link list.
  36. Write a program to search an element in a link list.
  37. Write a program to maintain a binary tree and traverse it in Inorder, Preorder and Postorder.
  38. Write a program to implement Binary Search Tree (BST)


CSE 281 C (Data Structures and Algorithms Lab)


Course Objectives:

  1. To implement an algorithm for a problem and analyze its time and computation complexity.
  2. To implement the algorithm for  Search   problem (Linear Search and Binary Search) .
  3. Solve the given problem of Stack , Queue ,Linked list, Graph search and  traversal implement it and analyze the same to determine the time and computation complexity.
  4. To implement algorithms  for Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap sort and compare their performance in term of Space and time complexity.

List of Programs:

1. Write a program to perform binary search in an array.
2. Write a program to perform binary search using recursion.
3. Write a program to perform linear search in 2D array.
4. Write a program to perform various operations on matrices. (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Transpose)
5. Write a program to swap two nos. using calls by value and reference.
6. Write a program to implement bubble sort.
7. Write a program to implement insertion sort.
8. Write a program to implement selection sort.
9. Write a program of link list implementation of a stack.
10. Write a program of link list implementation of a queue.
11. Write a program of array implementation of a stack.
12. Write a program of array implementation of a queue.
13. Write a program to search an element in a link list.
14. Write a program to maintain a link list.
15. Write a program to implement BST

Course Outcomes:Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Implement   the algorithm for a problem solution, determine the time and computation complexity and justify the correctness.
  2. Implement various searching algorithms (Linear Search and Binary Search) .
  3. Solve the given problem of Stack, Queue, Linked list, Graph search and traversal,     implement  and analyze the same to determine the time and computation complexity.
  4. Write and implement the algorithms for Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap sort and compare their performance in term of Space and time complexity.
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