CATEGORY : (Programming Language Course)

Course Objectives:

  1. To understand the issues involved in programming language design and implementation.
  2. To have an in-depth understanding of functional, logic, and object-oriented programming paradigms.
  3. Understand design/implementation issues involved with variable allocation and binding, control flow, types, subroutines, parameter passing.
  4. To develop an understanding of the compilation and storage process.

Unit I

Introduction to Python, features, Character set, tokens (keyword, identifier, literal, operator, punctuator), variables, concept of l-value and r-value, use of comments, Data types: number (integer, floating point, complex), boolean, sequence (string, list, tuple), None, mapping (dictionary), mutable and immutable data types.
Operators: arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators, assignment operator, augmented assignment operators, identity operators (is, is not), membership operators (in, not in), precedence of operators, Expressions, evaluation of expression, type conversion (explicit & implicit conversion).

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Unit II

Lists: introduction, indexing, list operations , traversing a list using loops, built-in functions. Tuples: introduction, indexing, tuple operations, built-in functions. Dictionary: introduction, accessing items in a dictionary using keys, mutability of dictionary, traversing a dictionary, built-in functions. Strings: introduction, indexing, string operations, traversing a string using loops, built-in functions. Conditional statements: if, if- else, if-elif-else. Iterative statements: for loop, range function, while loop, break and continue statements, nested loops.

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Unit III

Introduction to Python modules: Importing module using ‘import <module>’ and using from statement, importing math module, random module. Functions: types of function (built-in functions, functions defined in module, user defined functions), creating user-defined function, arguments and parameters, default parameters, positional parameters, function returning value(s),scope of a variable (global scope, local scope)

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Unit IV

Introduction to files, types of files (Text file, Binary file, CSV file), relative and absolute paths, file modes, Text file: open, close, reading, writing/appending data to a text file, seek and tell methods. Binary file: open, close, read, write/create, search, append and update operations in a binary file, CSV file: open / close read and write into a csv file

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  • E. Balagurusamy, “Introduction To Computing And Problem Solving Using Python”, McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi.
  • Mark Lutz, David Ascher, “Learning Python”, Shroff Publishers & Distributors Private Limited,2009.

Course Outcomes:  After successful completion of the course, a student will be able to :-

  1. Understand the concepts involved in programming language design and implementation.
  2. Understand the functional, logic, and object-oriented programming paradigms.
  3. Understand design/implementation issues involved with variable allocation and binding, control flow, types, subroutines, parameter passing.
  4. Understand the compilation and storage process.
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