PPS LAB: Detailed List of Programs in C Language

(WAP-Write a Program)

  1. WAP to Display message
  2. WAP to find Addition , Subtraction , Multiplication , Division , Remainder of two numbers
  3. WAP to find Area and Perimeter of Rectangle
  4. WAP to find Area and Perimeter of square
  5. WAP to find Area and Perimeter of triangle
  6. WAP to find Area and Perimeter of circle
  7. WAP to find Area and Volume of sphere
  8. WAP to find Curved Surface Area & Total Surface Area and Perimeter of cone
  9. WAP to find Curved Surface Area and Total Surface Area and Volume of cylinder
  10. WAP to swap two numbers
  11. WAP to find Minimum and Maximum of 2 no.
  12. WAP to find Minimum and Maximum of 3 no.
  13. WAP for Leap year checking
  14. WAP to find Total , percentage grade of student
  15. WAP to Check a no. for  even or odd
  16. WAP to calculate discount based on given condition
  17. WAP to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit or vice versa depending on your choice
  18. WAP to Enter 3 sides and check wheather a triangle is possible or not?
  19. WAP to Enter 3 angles and check wheather a triangle is possible or not?
  20. WAP to find Roots of Quadratic equation
  21. WAP to Enter 3 sides and tell type of triangle : equilateral , isosceles , scalene
  22. WAP to Enter 3 angles and tell type of triangle: right angle , acute or obtuse
  23. WAP to Calculate area and perimeter based on choice
  24. WAP to Check a character whether it is vowel or consonant
  25. WAP to Print day of week by using day no.
  26. WAP to Print month of year by using month no.
  27. WAP to print 1 to 10 using loops
  28. WAP to print 10 to 1 using loops
  29. WAP to print even numbers between 1 to 10
  30. WAP to print even numbers between 10 to 1
  31. WAP to print a to b
  32. WAP to find the sum of first n natural numbers. Sn=1+2+3+4+……………+n
  33. WAP to find the factorial/product of first n natural numbers. Pn=fact(n)= 1*2*3*4*……………*n
  34. WAP to find the sum of squares of first n natural numbers
  35. WAP to find the sum of cubes of first n natural numbers
  36. WAP to find the sum of digits of a number
  37. WAP to find the reverse of a number
  38. WAP to check whether a number is palindrome or not?
  39. WAP to check whether a number is prime or not?
  40. WAP to check whether a number is perfect or not?
  41. WAP to check whether a number is armstrong number or not?
  42. Write a function to generate Pascal’s triangle.
  43. WAP to enter and display an array.
  44. WAP to find the sum of elements of an array.
  45. WAP to find the average of elements of an array.
  46. WAP to find the product of elements of an array.
  47. WAP to find the minimum of array elements.
  48. WAP to find the maximum of array elements.
  49. WAP to enter and display the elements of a 2-Dimensional Array
  50. WAP to find the sum of elements of 2-Dimensional Array
  51. WAP to find the average of elements of 2-Dimensional Array
  52. WAP to find the product of elements of 2-Dimensional Array
  53. WAP to find the minimum of 2-D array elements.
  54. WAP to find the maximum of 2-D array elements .
  55. WAP to enter the elements of two matrices and add these two matrices..
  56. WAP to enter the elements of two matrices and subtract these two matrices..
  57. WAP to enter the elements of two matrices and multiply these two matrices.
  58. WAP to enter the elements of a matrix and transpose this matrix.
  59. WAP to find an item in the array using linear search.
  60. WAP to find an item in the array using binary search.
  61. WAP to sort the array in ascending order using bubble sort.
  62. WAP to sort the array in ascending order using insertion sort.
  63. WAP to sort the array in ascending order using quick sort.
  64. WAP to find the length of a string.
  65. WAP to copy one string into another string.
  66. WAP to concatenate one string into another string.
  67. WAP to enter and compare two strings.
  68. WAP to generate the Fibonacci series.
  69. WAP to call a function using Call by Value Method
  70. WAP to call a function using Call by Reference Method

B. Tech. Semester – I/II (Common to all Branches)

  1. Write a program to find the sum of individual digits of a positive integer.
  2. Write a program to generate the first n terms of the Fibonacci sequence.
  3. Write a program to generate all the prime numbers between 1 and n, where n is the input value given by the user.
  4. Write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
  5. Write a function to generate Pascal’s triangle.
  6. Write a program for addition of Two Matrices
  7. Write a program for calculating transpose of a matrix.
  8. Write a program for Matrix multiplication by checking compatibility
  9. Write programs to find the factorial of a given integer by using both recursive and non-recursive functions.
  10. Write a function that uses functions to perform the count the lines, words and characters in a given text.
  11. Write a program to explores the use of structures, union and other user defined variables
  12. Write a program to print the element of array using pointers
  13. Write a program to implement call by reference
  14. Write a program to print the elements of a structure using pointers
  15. Write a program to read a string and write it in reverse order
  16. Write a program to concatenate two strings
  17. Write a program to check that the input string is a palindrome or not.
  18. Write a program which copies one file to another.
  19. Write a program to reverse the first n characters in a file.

B. Tech. Semester – I/II (Common to all Branches)

The laboratory should be preceded or followed by one hour of tutorial to explain the approach or algorithm to be implemented for the problem given.

Tutorial 1: Problem solving using computers:
Lab1: Familiarization with programming environment
Tutorial 2: Variable types and type conversions:
Lab 2: Simple computational problems using arithmetic expressions
Tutorial 3: Branching and logical expressions:
Lab 3: Problems involving if-then-else structures
Tutorial 4: Loops, while and for loops:
Lab 4: Iterative problems e.g., sum of series
Tutorial 5: 1D Arrays: searching, sorting:
Lab 5: 1D Array manipulation
Tutorial 6: 2D arrays and Strings
Lab 6: Matrix problems, String operations
Tutorial 7: Functions, call by value:
Lab 7: Simple functions
Tutorial 8 &9: Numerical methods (Root finding, numerical differentiation, numerical integration):
Lab 8 and 9: Programming for solving Numerical methods problems
Tutorial 10: Recursion, structure of recursive calls
Lab 10: Recursive functions
Tutorial 11: Pointers, structures and dynamic memory allocation
Lab 11: Pointers and structures
Tutorial 12: File handling:
Lab 12: File operations

Course Outcomes:

  1. To formulate the algorithms for simple problems
  2. To translate given algorithms to a working and correct program.
  3. To be able to correct syntax errors as reported by the compilers
  4. To be able to identify and correct logical errors encountered at run time
  5. To be able to write iterative as well as recursive programs
  6. To be able to represent data in arrays, strings and structures and manipulate them through a program
  7. To be able to declare pointers of different types and use them in defining self referential structures.
  8. To be able to create, read and write to and from simple text files.
error: You can only copy the programs code and output from this website. You are not allowed to copy anything else.