It acts as an intermediate between the hardware and the user . It makes our computer system operational.
Types of Operating System:
CUI (Character User Inteface): In this operating system we used to interact by writing the commands in the form of characters .
Examples of CUI : MSDOS ( MicroSoft Disk Operating System ). It is used rarely now a days .
GUI (Graphical User Inteface) :It provides visible graphical interface in the form menus ,icons ,pictures to interact .
Examples of GUI : MS Windows
Different versions of Windows are : MS Windows -95 , MS Windows 98 , MS Windows 2000, MS Windows XP , MS Windows NT, MS Windows ME, MS Windows 7, MS Windows 8, MS Windows 10, MS Windows 11 etc.
Assemblers: They convert the program written in Assembly Language into Machine/Low Level Language (LLL).
Compilers: They convert the program written in HLL(High Level Language) into Machine/Low Level Language (LLL). They convert the whole program in one go. Compilers are faster than Interpreters.
Interpreters: They convert the program written in HLL(High Level Language) into Machine/Low Level Language (LLL). They convert the program line by line. They are slower than compilers.
Source code – Program written in any particular language is known as source code of program. Example program written in C language. Size of source code file (.C) is smallest.
Object code- After compilation the source code is converted into object code. It is in the form of 0’s and 1’s. Size of object code file (.OBJ) is larger than source code file and smaller than executable file.
Executable Code: Software in a form that can be run in the computer without any language compiler. Executable files in the DOS/Windows world use .EXE and .COM file extensions. Size of excecutable file is largest.